Contact all QLD Politicians
To either email or post individually addressed letters to all QLD Politicians, first download the files below.
To print and physically post them, use your Word Processor's Mail Merge with the Data Base that you have downloaded. See my notes on sending physical mail in Australia here: Contact Politicians
To Email all the Politicians, first follow the instructions to set up your email program if you haven't already done so. See how to here: How to do an Email Mail Merge.
Then start Thunderbird and insert the following into a new email. Just copy and paste, then make appropriate changes to your letter.
Note: set your To: email address to {{title}} {{last}} <{{Email}}> - this will be filled in by the Mail Merge
Sample letter
Your address 1
State, Postcode
Dear {{salutation}}
Your letter, with photos, charts and whatever.
It is my Will that ....
Yours sincerely,
Your Name
Then you do the Mail Merge. You need to go to File on the Thunderbird Menu Bar, and select MailMerge. Follow the instructions, and the merged emails will be in the Out folder in Thunderbird. Have a look at one or two of the emails to make sure the Mail Merge worked propely. Then press on Send Unsent Mail, and the emails will be sent, one at a time.
If you have any difficulties, please email me at clemclarke (at) gmail (dot) com