
Care of Bermagui Post Office,


NSW 2546

Telephone 0401 054 155.

  March 26th, 2015

Dear Candidate for New South Wales,

I wrote to every NSW Politician in 2008: "Money used to be backed by Gold and Silver. Now it is not. Paper or computer money has no real value. It is created from thin air. Watch the enclosed DVD, or Google for the movie 'Money as Debt' to see how it is done.


"If money is made from nothing (and it is - see the meaning of "Quantitative Easing"), then selling the New South Wales Electricity system is the same as giving it away, isn't it?

"We wouldn't be silly enough to do that, would we? And pay others forever more for what is ours?"  However, that is what is happening!

Instead of selling our assets, we can instruct our Reserve Bank to create money to build and maintain our own infrastructure, the way we used to before the Commonwealth Bank was sold off.

As the attached chart shows, over 30% of the shares in our banks are owned by the overseas JP Morgan, HSBC and Citicorp banks.  Furthermore, Woolworths, Origin Energy and many other firms are also owned to a similar extent by the same overseas banks. There is more in an article by Professor Murray Hunter (associate professor at the University Malaysia Perlis), here: http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=14777&page=0

It is obvious that Australia is being sold off and most Australians don't like it - look at what happened in Queensland!  PLEASE Liberal MPs - don't sell any more of our assets.

The late Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser wrote to me about the chart and the attached letter and said: "... I agree with you that there is a great deal wrong with the way in which our economy has been run, and the lack of principles which underlines it.  What you have put on paper is thought provoking and useful."

Instead of selling our assets, we can instruct our Reserve Bank to create money to build and maintain our own infrastructure, the way we used to before the Commonwealth Bank was sold off.

With Quantitative Easing and Bank Bailouts, money is effectively created from "thin air" mainly by the US Federal Reserve and British Banks. Therefore, when we "sell" our assets, we are being paid by money created from thin air.

For example, the money the Federal Reserve makes goes to J P Morgan. J P Morgan then has a huge amount of money that they must invest (the main duty of a company - by law - is to provide the maximum return to it's shareholders).  Colloquially, they must lend it out so they can make a profit (I mean, they can't just have money sitting there doing nothing, can they? Even if it is “created” money).

So, they look around the world and find some relatively safe spot - say Australia. Ahhha - they say "There is a nice little electricity company in NSW. Let's buy it."   So, our governments sell our power plant to the overseas buyer at an inflated price. The purchaser then charges interest on the deal, and our electricity prices go through the roof!!!!!  Which forces other prices to go up and UP.  

Great system.

Not only do the overseas "investors" take interest on that money, they also take a share of the profits from the companies they have shares in - bought with money made from thin air!

It is a diabolical system.  It is their system, it is their scam, and it is designed to enslave us.

It is how they take over countries...  Make money out of thin air ("quantitative easing") and buy into other countries. And send the profits overseas, thus bankrupting countries such as Greece and Spain. It seems that any Politician that votes for Privatisation is supporting the sellout of the country.

It is time for a new financial system.  Or an old one - renewed. We can just make our own money, and build the Australia we want. The Commonwealth Development bank and the Reserve Bank used to provide all the money we needed to develop our infrastructure for decades at low interest rates - –not for takeover purposes.  It is time to renew that system.

Australians don't have to use overseas money, and send profits back to overseas banks, which makes it more expensive for us. We can make our own money to create our own country the way we want it.

Will you support a new Australia Development Bank, which supports Australians and Australia?  And STOP selling Australian assets for peanuts?

Yours sincerely,

Clement Clarke


PS: I have attached the graph as a PDF file so that you may print it easily for discussion and to even use the graph on election day to show the voters what is happening to Australia.

Re Balanced Budgets. We all know know that "Quantitative Easing" is about printing money or creating money from thin air. This means we have an unlimited amount of money. Why then, do we have poverty and hardship? And can budgets ever be balanced when banks can effectively create an infinite amount of money? Housing prices are being pushed through the roof by the banks.

As I wrote to every NSW Politician in 2008: "Money used to be backed by Gold and Silver. Now it is not. Paper or computer money has no real value. It is created from thin air. Watch the enclosed DVD, or Google for the movie 'Money as Debt' to see how it is done.


"If money is made from nothing (and it is), then selling the New South Wales Electricity system is the same as giving it away, isn't it?

"We wouldn't be silly enough to do that, would we? And pay others forever more for what is ours?"  However, that is what is happening!


Money as Debt, the Website and the Movie: See the main website here: http://www.moneyasdebt.net/ and the movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_x626joik0. The author of the movie Paul Grignon writes here: http://paulgrignon.netfirms.com/MoneyasDebt/ProducersComments.html    'Money created as interest-bearing bank credit is a magic trick, a fraud - now 3 centuries old; one that very few people have seen through despite, or rather because of, its utter simplicity.'

See also the British Website - Positive Money: http://www.positivemoney.org/issues/debt/ It says: "Most of money in the UK is created by banks when they make loans. The only way to get extra money into the economy is to borrow it from banks, leaving us all trapped under a mountain of personal debt and mortgages."

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